Firefighter Hannah Johnson Uses Vitargo’s Fast Acting Carbs for Training and Recovery
7 September, 2018
Learn How High Glycogen Demanding Sports and a Keto Diet Can Work From Everett Sloan
By: Vitargo Success Stories

For over 20 years, Canadian regional and national level Strongman, weightlifter & CrossFitter, Everett Sloan @coach.everett has been following a ketogenic diet. So how does a keto athlete training at high-intensities, involved in performance-based and glycogen-depleting sports incorporate carbs but still stay with a keto diet? Seeing his performance suffer due to the lack of carbs, Sloan was looking for a solution. He discovered Vitargo. The fast acting carbs enabled Sloan to train harder and perform better while sticking to his keto lifestyle.
Vitargo is a real game changer for him.
“Hi I’m Everett Sloan, I own Crossfit ByTown in Ottawa, Ontario. I’ve competed at a regional level in crossfit and weightlifting and in Strongman. I’m currently the provincial champions Strongman, competed at a national level in that as well.
I’ve been ketogenic dieting for health reasons since 1996 and never really used any carbs. Unfortunately, all the sports that I’ve chosen are very glycolytic demanding and my performance had suffered the when I discovered Vitargo several years ago, I started using that prior to training and was able to perform much better and recover much better.
It’s been a real game changer and I’d like to thank the folks at the Vitargo for giving me the opportunity to help increase my performance and to continue competing at such a high level. It’s an excellent product for people on a low carb diet or not. You can take it before training, boost your performance, and quickly get back into ketosis right after the training. It has been truly a game changer in how I feel. Thank you.â€
Try Vitargo today – 100% money back guarantee and free shipping.
More About Everett Sloan From Around the Web
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,†are the wise words of Confucius that Everett Sloan has held close to him.
Growing up in Canada, Everett was an active individual wielding his father’s concrete-filled Weider weights in his basement. Once he hit college, he demonstrated a keen interest in bodybuilding and pursued that avenue for a couple of years which led to a modeling career. Everett eventually abandoned bodybuilding and moved on to compete in local power-lifting and strongman competitions, though that was short-lived as he didn’t like the toll it took on his body. For several years after that, he trained without real direction or purpose.
In 2005 Everett was involved in a severe motorcycle accident and was told he would not be able to walk again. Refusing to quit, he started moving around in his wheelchair in the hospital corridors for exercise. He defied the odds and fought his way back to his feet and into the gym.
One of the major challenges that Everett faced after the accident was his limited body movement. While relearning movements and finding ways to adapt, he turned to the web where he discovered CrossFit. Starting by incorporating some of the CrossFit methodologies in his workouts at the local gym, Everett eventually turned his garage into a gym where he and several friends trained. Everett finally joined a CrossFit box in 2010. It was there that he found the opportunity to compete in the CrossFit Canada East Regionals, which further inspired him. From that moment on, CrossFit became his passion. He decided to be a positive impact on the health and wellness of everyone in his life and in 2012, Everett opened Crossfit Bytown in Ottawa, Ontario.
Everett is happily married and a very proud father. He brings his passion for Crossfit into his gym every day for the clients he coaches and the members at Bytown Crossfit. Everett describes himself as an old school strongman trying his best to keep up with the youth in Crossfit.
Some of Everett’s results that were powered by Vitargo:
– 2016 Masters weightlifting championship (2nd 85kg)
– 2016 Wally Classic strongman (1st 80kg)
– 2017 Survivor Strong (1st <90kg)
– 2017 RibFest Strongman (2nd <90kg)
– 2017 Canada Strongest Man Under 200 (9th)
– 2017 Ontario Middleweight Champion Strongman
Try Vitargo today – 100% money back guarantee and free shipping.
Everett Sloan’s Certifications:
– Crossfit Level 2 Trainer
– Crossfit Judges Course
– Crossfit Strongman
– Crossfit Gymnastics
– Crossfit Kettlebell
– Crossfit Mobility (No longer offered)
– Crossfit Coaches Prep Course (No longer offered)
– Crossfit Defence
– Crossfit Olympic Lifting
– Crossfit Rowing
– Crossfit Competitors Course
– Crossfit Kids
– Crossfit Endurance (No longer offered)
– Crossfit Aerobic Capacity
– Crossfit Nutrition (No longer offered)
– Gymnastic Bodies level 1
– Agatsu Movement & Mobility
– Agatsu Kettlebell Level 1
– RockTape Powertaping
– Part of CrossFit Strongman Seminar Staff
– Give’m Cold Steel Training Seminar
– Outlaw Olympic Lifting Seminar
– Matt Lalonde Nutritional Seminar
– ACE Certified Personal Trainer (since 1998)
– Standard First Aid/CPR/AED
– Ben Bergeron Regional ready training camp
– Defying Fitness Aerial Strength workshop
– Ben Bergeron The Business of Excellence Seminar
– Again Faster Business Seminar
– Box To Business Seminar
– StrongFit Principles and Philosophy of Training
– Movement flow seminar by Tyler Touchette of Caveman Strong
– Strongman / Strength seminar by Paul Vaillancourt of UF Gyms
– Wim Hof Breathing Method 10 week course
– Heart Rate Variability 3 week course from HRVTraining
– OPEX Flywheel bike course
– OPEX Science of Nutrition
Everett Sloan’s COMPETITIONS
– 2011 Brockville HUA (4th)
– 2011 Reebok Firebreather Trail
– 2012 CompWOD Team Cordis (4th)
– 2012 SweatRx Championship Team (3rd)
– 2012 Canada East Regionals Team (16th)
– 2012 Underground team Series (2nd)
– 2012 CompWOD Best of the Best Invitational (11th)
– 2012 Fortis Halloween Competition
– 2012 WOD4TOYS (2nd)
– 2013 Reebok Firebreather Trail (15th)
– 2013 Canada East Regionals Team (25th)
– 2014 Reebok Firebreather Trail (17th)
– 2014 Canada East Regionals Team (21st)
– 2014 Master of functional fitness (16th overall, 1st Canada)
– 2015 Masters of Functional Fitness (1st)
– 2015 Carp Fair Strongman (8th lightweight)
– 2015 Rowd Royalty (9th)
– 2015 Reebok Firebreather trail (12th)
– 2015 Frenze Series – new years revolution (2nd)
– 2015 Activ8 Grit Cup (1st)
– 2015 Frenze Summer Shakedown (4th)
– 2015 CAASA Strongman (1st lightweight)
– 2015 OPA GNC Classic (5th short mens physique)
– 2016 Masters weightlifting championship (2nd 85kg)
– 2016 Wally Classic strongman (1st 80kg)
– 2017 Survivor Strong (1st <90kg)
– 2017 RibFest Strongman (2nd <90kg)
– 2017 Canada Strongest Man Under 200 (9th)
– 2017 Ontario Middleweight Champion Strongman
Try Vitargo at the risk of getting stronger (100% money back guarantee and free shipping).
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Everett Sloan, IG: @coach.everett
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