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Proof Before Promises®

That’s The Vitargo Difference

In a sea of supplements that all over promise and underdeliver we chose to go a more difficult route filled with integrity and honesty. Most products are allowed to lie to you because they find and use loopholes when it comes to their claims and marketing. Our promise is to ONLY make claims that we can back up with clinical research that’s been done on Vitargo.That’s what we mean when we say Proof Before Promises™ 

Every claim we make about Vitargo increasing strength, endurance, energy and boosting recovery is backed up by clinical research studies.

Here’s the science to prove it:


Boosts Endurance By 10-23%:

A clinical study on the Vitargo starch, published in Journal of Sports and Science showed that consuming Vitargo after depleting glycogen (stored carbs in muscle), and then cycling allowed for a 10-23% endurance boost that other participants in the study who didn’t get Vitargo did not experience.


The Fastest Mouth To Muscle Carbohydrate:

A clinical study on Vitargo published in the Scandinavian Journal Of Gastroenterology showed Vitargo empties from the stomach 130% quicker than alternatives and reduces digestive issues for athletes.

A lot of athletes complain about other carb drinks upsetting their stomach and interrupting their performance. Vitargo is the solution! 

How quickly Vitargo leaves your stomach is also why it’s able to fuel your muscles so much faster than any other carbohydrates.


Quicker Recovery & Better Muscle Refueling:

A study done in the European Journal of Applied Physiology showed that Vitargo replenishes glycogen levels in your muscles 70% faster than any other alternative, and refills muscle glycogen 77% more than any other option. If you’re an athlete who has multiple training sessions a day or just needs a recovery boost after a hard training session tomorrow Vitargo is the fastest mouth to muscle carbohydrate for performance and recovery.


Increases Strength & Power Output By 5%

A study in the PLoS ONE Journal had participants exercise to deplete glycogen and then had them do repeated back squats at 75% of their max. 

Those who got Vitargo ended up with a 5% greater strength and power output compared to other carb alternatives. 

If you’re an athlete who needs to maximize strength and power output then there is no better fuel for your strength than Vitargo. Whether you want to boost endurance, increase strength and energy, or recover quicker…
Vitargo is the only carbohydrate with peer reviewed university studies proven to do it all.

Vitargo is the only fuel on the market with 200+ Olympic gold medalists and multiple research studies showing it works at the highest level. No other company or carbohydrate drink comes close in terms of the studies we’ve done or. Our mission at Vitargo is to help you reach your athletic peak, and we’re so confident it will deliver on that promise that…

30 days free trial graphic

we’ll let you try Vitargo risk free for 30 days.

If after trying Vitargo for 30 days you aren’t convinced we are the best carb supplement you’ve tried, we’ll refund 100% of your money. We’re that confident you’ll look, feel and perform better using Vitargo.That’s why we’ll give you 30 days risk free to try it out and decide for yourself.

Try Vitargo Today
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