Sean Azcui


Check Out Team Vitargo

About Sean

Fun fact about me: I committed to Marian University on a football scholarship my senior year of high school. In the spring of my senior year, covid hit and all things came to an end including my high school baseball season. In need of exercise and a way to train, my neighbor got me into cycling. I came to Marian and became a 2-sport athlete and played football my freshman year while riding as often as I could. After having a very successful spring football season, I talked to the cycling coaches about learning how to ride on the track at the velodrome. In May, I set a goal to be able to compete at the Collegiate National Championships hosted by Marian. I spent four months training on the track and in the weight room transforming my football body into a cyclist. In September, I became a National Champion in team sprints, I took third place in the match sprints, and got 4th place in the kilo. Moving forward, my next goal is to utilize the use of Vitargo when training on the road and maximize my endurance and over all fitness. I am looking forward to representing TEAM VITARGO and improving my overall performance when competing.

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