Dr. Susan Kleiner


Check Out Team Vitargo

About Susan

“You can have it all. Train hard and Power Eat!” – Dr. Sue


Dr. Sue is a titan in sports nutrition. Her seminal research on male and female bodybuilders launched the study of the nutritional needs of muscle building, power and strength. Her expertise and research has expanded to hydration, and she is passionate about the nutritional needs of athletic women and girls. She is the owner of the internationally recognized consulting firm, High Performance Nutrition, LLC.

Vitargo and The New Power Eating

When I began my doctorate in nutrition and human performance in 1983, I never would have imagined that the field of sports nutrition and its practice would become known and popular worldwide. Since completing my doctoral research on steroid-using and non-using competitive male bodybuilders in 1987 I have had the great fortune to continue to contribute to the research body of literature on male and female athletes in sports nutrition science; educate several new generations of sports nutrition practitioners, exercise trainers and coaches; consult with teams and athletes at all levels of sport from professional to Olympian, collegiate to recreational and everyday athletes; consult with business and industry to provide expert advice on product research, development and marketing; and even co-found an academic society for sports nutrition, the ISSN.

It took 10 years after the publication of my doctorate before there was enough nutrition science research data to author the first evidence-based book on eating for strength and power. The first edition of Power Eating was published in 1998. The pace of scientific publications raced ahead and since 1998 a new edition has been published approximately every 5 years. Every edition contains nearly a full new book of information, and The New Power Eating is packed with the latest, cutting edge science, evidence-based recommendations, and diet and supplement guidance based on my 35 years of research and practice in high performance nutrition.

My first introduction to Vitargo came from a French national rugby player client, just prior to Vitargo distribution in the USA. According to that athlete, Vitargo was a game-changing carbohydrate fuel, and he was right. Ever since then I have been recommending Vitargo to my clients who can benefit from fueling their performance (think: nearly everyone!). I have never worked with a sports nutrition company in the way that I currently work with Vitargo. Vitargo’s commitment to science and transparency is perfectly aligned with my ethics and my brand.

In The New Power Eating you will learn about how to fuel your training, your body and your brain using food when you can and supplements when you must. There are Power Eating plans for male and female athletes from novice to elite levels to maintain muscle, gain muscle, cross train, lose fat, and get cut. You will learn when food is your best choice, and when and how Vitargo can give you the competitive edge you desire.

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